The Easiest Way To Stand Out On Social Media

Stand Out On Social Media

Are you struggling to stand out on social media? You're not alone.

With so many posts swirling around the web vying for the attention of your ideal client, it can be challenging to create content that instantly holds their glaze. So, how do we stand out in a sea of content?

You are kinda the best, which is why the ever-popular online marketing advice to “be you” is so effective for standing out in a crowded niche. Except when you actually sit down to create Instagram content and that advice doesn’t translate into engaging post ideas 🫠

Vague marketing tips veiled as “educational” content grind my gears.So today, we’re talking about how to bring the you factor to your content without being overly personal (especially if you’re not up for sharing TMI online).

In this blog, you’ll discover how to to create content that stands out on social media and attracts your ideal audience. Let's dive in!

Create Original Content

What makes you different? Kinda like being asked, "what do you do?" at a holiday party, it can be tricky to answer, "what makes you different” when there are plenty of others in your niche. 

Even of there are thousands of people who do what you do, it will always come down to how you do it that makes you different.

Here's a sniff test for you: Google the topic of your last educational post. Could you copy & paste the Google search results and end up with virtually the same post? If the answer is "yea, pretty much." This is a sign your content is lacking the "you" factor.

Remember: being factually accurate is not enough to stand out. Here’s how to infuse the You-Factor in your content. 

Master Your Brand Message

Consumers WANT to shop with companies that believe in the same things they do.

This is how your brand values will shine in 2023.

Your brand values are the ideas and beliefs your business stands on.

They might not be clearly stated in your brand message every time, but they should be evident in any copy you create or any moves you make within your business.  

Like any part of your brand messaging, your values are vital. They're something your audience will weigh heavily when they consider working with you: Studies have shown that 77% of consumers buy from brands that share the same values as them.

Here’s why it matters to your content creation. When you know the values you and your audience share — and how to communicate them, — on brand content ideas will gush out of you like water from a fire hose. Think about how your values and core messages influence how you tackle your audience’s pain points or helps them reach a desired outcome. That’s your angle.

Here is an example of how that works in real life. 

Common Pain Point: Getting In Shape

Through the lens of a fitness coach whose brand embodies elite performance, that pain point could be addressed like this: How To Train Like An Olympian. However, if that same pain point was addressed by a yoga teacher whose brand values soulful connection it could be addressed as: 5 Yoga Moves That Tone Your Arms & Mellow Your Vibe.

Unique Brand Voice

Make Your Unique Brand Voice Heard

  1. Reflect On Popular Topics In Your Niche:Do I Agree? Disagree? Why? Why Not?

  2. Content Audit: Is Your Advice Too Vague? Are You Selling In The Majority Of Your Posts?

  3. How Can I Make It Actionable For Readers Based On The Facts & My Results Or Experiences?

In a noisy social media world, standing out can feel like an uphill battle. But with a little creativity and a lot of you-ness, it's totally possible! By putting your unique spin on common pain points and teaching topics, you can create content that truly resonates with your audience.

So let your personality shine, stay true to your brand, and watch as your social media presence takes off.

Happy Creating! 

Cyndi, Owner of Ascent StoryCraft

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Cyndi Zaweski

Hey! I’m Cyndi, the owner of Ascent StoryCraft. I’m all about helping you create content your audience cares about. Looking for insight on what to say — and how to say it — online to get clients calling? Drop me a line.

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