Proven Copywriting Formulas That Boost Sales(With Examples!) 

Copy Formulas That Boost Sales (With Examples!)

Copywriting can feel like learning a foreign language for “non-writers.” 

But here’s the thing, you’re fully capable of writing words that connect your brand to your audience. Whether you’re looking to drive sales or boost social media engagement, there are tried and tested copywriting formulas you don’t need an English degree to master. 

Many business owners say to me, “Cyndi, I am not even sure what needs to be said, how it should be said, or even when to say it.” And I get that frustration. This confusion spills out in your messaging and leads to less-than-favorable conversion rates.  

That’s when copywriting formulas can make the difference, helping you go from confused to clear in record time. Think of it as the metaphorical Tylenol that’ll alleviate all your copywriting pains.  

Copy formulas have helped me stay focused and get more done. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the amount of information you must convey while writing. But using a copy formula can help prevent that by giving you a structure to follow. 

Whether you’re writing an article, a blog, or a social media post, different copywriting formulas can help you get the result you want: getting your audience to develop the like, know, and trust — and take action. Copy formulas guide you on what to say, reduce confusion in structure, and save time. 

That’s a win all around! 

Copywriting Formulas vs. Outlines

A point of clarification: Copywriting formulas aren’t the same as outlines. 

Outlines are a great way to organize your thoughts. Still, they won’t help you determine the most effective way to reach your target audience (i.e., the best way to format an article or order information for maximum results). Outlines might give you a general focus, but copy formulas provide the structure to communicate the topic in a way that gets your audience to act.  

If you’ve been overwhelmed and can’t figure out how to write copy that converts, you’re in the right spot. Read on to learn the proven copywriting formulas that boost sales and social media engagement (with examples). It’s going to get a lot of stress out of the content creation process.

  1. Copywriting Formula: Features-Advantages-Benefits

The first is the features-advantages-benefits (FAB) formula. This is one of the most effective copywriting formulas writers use to explain the benefit the customer gets from a specific feature of an offer.  

The FAB formula is perfect for social media posts and product descriptions. It asks you to highlight a product’s or service’s features (what makes it different), the advantages (what your customer or client can get from using this product or service), and the benefits (why or how these features and advantages will benefit their life).

FAB Copywriting Formula Example

  • F (Feature): Self-Paced Lessons 

  • A (Advantage): Fitting Into A Busy Schedule 

  • B (Benefit): Learn The Skills On Your Time

“Hey, I get it. You’re B-U-S-Y. That’s why [feature of the program] has ten self-paced lessons [advantage] you can access anytime to [benefit] to learn the skills you want on your schedule.”

2. Copywriting Formula: Problem, Agitate, Solution (PAS) 

This copywriting formula is a go-to for writing better Instagram captions faster. 

The PAS formula stands for problem, agitate, and solution. It’s been called the little black dress of copywriting, and I have to agree. It’s appropriate for just about any occasion. 

PAS calls out a problem your audience is facing, digs deeper into a pain point to agitate the problem, and highlights a solution.

This approach helps the reader reflect on a struggle they’re facing and makes them ready for an answer. The PAS formula is perfect for sales pages, and the entry point of any sales funnel because it primes the reader to ask for help.  

PAS Copywriting Example

PAS Copywriting Example

  • P (Problem): Hair Looks Frizzy & Unhealthy Even After You Woke Up Early To Blow It Out

  • A (Agitate Aka Dive Deeper Into The Immediate Problem): Blow Drying Long Hair Takes Too Long & Causes Split Ends 

  • S (Solution): Brand A’s Hair Serum That Protects Hair & Shortens Drying Time

“Having long hair is amazing. Blowing drying… not so much.  I was sick of peeling myself out of bed at 4 a.m. to end up with frizzy, fried hair that was looking more like 1983 than 2023. I was scrolling short-chic bobs on Pinterest when Brand A popped up in my feed. And, let me tell you, it’s a game changer.

3. Copywriting Formula: Before-After Bridge

This next copywriting formula shows the sweeter side of copywriting. Called the before-after bridge, it highlights where the reader is now, where they want to be, and how you can help them bridge that gap. This formula is perfect for emails, social media captions, and sales pages. That’s because everyone wants to envision a better life.  

BEFORE YOU CAN USE THIS COPY FORMULA: You must understand your audience’s goals and desires to use this copywriting formula effectively.

Otherwise, your message will fall flat. Once you know that information, you can lead with their goals, follow with examples of the bridge, and end with a compelling call to action.   

Before-After Bridge Copywriting Example

Before-After Bridge Copywriting Example: 

  • Before: Customer with a problem

  • After (The Transformation The Buyer Receives): Customer without a problem

  • Bridge: How Your Offer Gets Them To Their After 

“Dreaming about a life doesn’t include hovering over a desk while incessantly refreshing Slack channels?

Let’s work together to develop boundaries and create sustainable workflows that make work-from-home life as good as it sounds in theory. Ready for a life that doesn’t limit your freedom, sign up below, and we’ll get you there in six weeks!”

4. Copywriting Formula: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action (AIDA) 

The AIDA formula (attention, interest, desire, and action) is persuasive writing at its best!  This copywriting formula asks you to get the audience’s attention with a captivating sentence, keep them reading by piquing their interest in a product or service, make them desire that product or service, and call them to action.

This one is on the more informative side, which makes it great for blogs and emails. 

AIDA Copywriting Example:

  • A (Attention): Go On Vacation Without The Financial Stress 

  • I (Interest): A Path To Financial Freedom 

  • D (Desire): More Money, Less Work 

  • A (Action): Sign Up For Financial Freedom Program 

“Stop putting off vacay for someday. If white sandy beaches are on your vision board — but your bank account gives you a different snapshot of reality — learn how to make more money while working less long-term.

Students in this program have tripled their income, built generational wealth, and released their scarcity mindset by doing three things.

Want to know what they are? Join our program to find out. Click the button below to get started!

5. Copywriting Formula: The 4Ps

Similar to AIDA, this formula is about informing the reader and increasing your ability to convert. However, it pushes the envelope just a tad further. 

The 4Ps stand for promise, picture, proof, and push. With the promise, you tell your audience what they can achieve from a product. Then you help them picture the results. You follow that up with proof of how this has worked for others. Then, you wrap up with a push to take immediate action.  

This can take some practice, but mastering it is like catching lightning in a bottle. 

The 4Ps Copywriting Example: 

  • P (Promise): With the right copy, your next launch can be the best launch your business has ever experienced. 

  • P (Picture): Your audience can easily connect with your message and see the value of your offer, so you’re sold out or booked up before the early cart even closes.

  • P (Proof): 50 of my clients have had since using my launch content package.

  • P (Push): This can be your reality, too! (Call To Action) 

"Your next launch can be your best yet with the right copy. Connect with your audience and showcase the value of your offer to sell out before the early cart even closes. My launch content package has helped 50 clients achieve these results and can make it a reality for you too! [CTA]"

6. Copywriting Formula: Hook, Story, and Offer (HSO)

If you desire to inspire through your brand, fostering a community of engaged readers is a must. Brand storytelling will get you there faster. If you’re new to brand storytelling, the HSO copywriting formula is a great place to start. HSO stands for Hook, Story, Offer. The hook is the relatable, compelling first line of copy.

Followed by a story that paints the picture of an ideal outcome and concludes with an offer to solve the problem at hand. 

Hook, Story, and Offer HSO Copywriting Example: 

  • H (Hook): “I didn't envision {how you're out of your element} when I started {your thing}.

  • S (Story): But there I was at 1 a.m. {doing something your audience hates in detail}. Just before I closed my eyes, I Googled {vague industry advice}.

  • O (Offer):  }  {Lightbulb moment that you found the solution and how it works better than what's on the market}. Swipe my {offer} and kiss those 1 a.m. {pain point} sessions goodbye.

“I didn't envision {pain point} when I started {your thing}. But there I was at 1 a.m. {doing something your audience hates in detail}. Just before I closed my eyes, I Googled {vague industry advice}. What the heck does that even mean, amiright? It left me feeling {unpleasant and relatable feeling.}  {Lightbulb moment when you found the solution}. Swipe my {offer} and kiss those 1 a.m. {pain point} sessions goodbye.”

Creating captivating copy can be challenging, but these formulas make it easier! Whether you’re writing blogs, sales pages, social media captions, or anything else, these formulas give you different ways to approach your audience and take them on an emotional journey so they can better connect with your offer and take action.  

Happy Creating! 

Cyndi, Owner of Ascent StoryCraft

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Cyndi Zaweski

Hey! I’m Cyndi, the owner of Ascent StoryCraft. I’m all about helping you create content your audience cares about. Looking for insight on what to say — and how to say it — online to get clients calling? Drop me a line.

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