3 Instagram SEO Hacks To Boost Your Reach

Instagram SEO Hacks

Instagram is known for being about pretty pics, but the platform is becoming more like a search engine and the words you’re using are just as — if not more — important as the pictures you post. Here’s how to leverage Instagram SEO to boost your reach and follower count.

What Is Instagram SEO?

SEO, short for search engine optimization, can sound like a jargon term, but it essentially boils down to using the right words to get your content discovered online. Even the experts at HubSpot are encouraging using SEO techniques for Instagram.

They liken Instagram to a mini-Google because the platform's built-in search functions will drive organic growth to your account. You might be thinking — Can I use the same SEO methods I use to optimize a blog or website for a social media app?

Yes, you can.

Instagram SEO Ranking: Key Factors

Improving your Instagram post's SEO is only a piece of the puzzle. Instagram's algorithms take into account a lot of other factors to rank keyword search results on the Explore page.

According to Instagram, the most important factors are:

  1. Relevance to the search query: The algorithm will try to match what you’ve searched with top posts, accounts, audio, tags, and places (each split into separate tabs). This is the most important factor.

  2. User activity: If Instagram thinks someone will be more interested in one post over another, it will prioritize that in the search results. It determines this based on the searcher's previous activity on the app.

  3. Information about the search results: When there are a high volume of relevant results for a search term, it can become a bit of a popularity contest. The number of likes, shares, and follows for an account or post can also influence where the search result is ranked.

As Later describes, “When it comes to your Instagram SEO strategy, If you want your Instagram posts to show up in search results, it's important to help Instagram understand what your content is all about.”

So, if you want to increase your chances of being found on Instagram, it's important to use relevant keywords and hashtags that relate to your post. That way, when people search for something similar, Instagram will know to show your post in the results. So, don't forget to use those keywords and hashtags to improve your discoverability!

How To Find Keywords On Instagram

If you’re not sure where to start with finding Instagram keywords, you don’t have to look much further than the app.

You can use the search bar to find related terms for your business.The keyword research you use for your business’ website can guide your SEO for Instagram.

The app has added the ability to search for content with keywords rather than just hashtags. Using the search bar, you can now type in the term "Vegan Food" instead of #veganfood to find the top posts. Pretty cool, right?

Step-By-Step Guide To Finding Keywords On Instagram

1. Type a keyword in the Instagram search bar: Start by typing a keyword related to your niche or topic in the search bar on Instagram. This will show you accounts, posts, and hashtags related to that keyword.

2. Check out the "related" section: Once you’ve searched for a keyword, Instagram will also show you a list of related keywords that people are using. This can give you additional ideas for keywords to use in your posts.

3. Look at popular hashtags: Search for popular hashtags related to your niche and look at the other hashtags that are often used alongside them. This can help you find additional keywords to use in your posts.

By using Instagram to find keywords, you can optimize your posts for search and increase your visibility on the platform.

3 Instagram SEO Hacks To Boost Reach In 2023

Here are three of the best ways to leverage Instagram SEO to reach more followers. It’s not nearly as complicated as keyword research for websites and blog posts.

You’ll be able to master this in no time — even if you have no clue where to start with SEO. 

  1. Optimize Your Name & Username

If you haven’t refreshed your bio in a while now is a good time to give it an edit. Make sure your bio is clear and accurately states your services or products. 

The name field in your Instagram bio is searchable — that the section on bold text right below your profile picture. Include your niche/job title next to your name so you’re easier to find in searches. 

Use words that highlight what your Instagram profile or business is about to improve your chances of appearing in the top results for those services. For example, my Instagram bio for my content strategy firm, Ascent StoryCraft, reads “Cyndi | Content Marketing.”

I included my first name because I’m a solopreneur, and I don’t outsource my posting or engagement. People who choose to interact with my account are interacting with me, and it adds a personal touch if they know my name right away. I include “Content Marketing” in the name field because I want to be discovered for that service.

 You can also use a keyword in your username. For example, if you're a vegan chef your handle could be @jesstheveganchef.  

2. Use SEO In Instagram Captions

Captions are an important part of an Instagram content strategy.

While we tend to think of writing short captions for Instagram, it could lead to missing out on valuable SEO. Because good Instagram captions do more than catch a reader’s attention — they help you show up in search results. That means your ideal audience can find you easily by what you’re writing in your captions. 

Relevant keywords improve your chances of showing up on the Explore page of users most likely to be interested in your content. Instagram will use the keywords in your post captions to determine which topics of interest align with your account.

How To Write An SEO-Friend Instagram Caption

To add keywords to your Instagram captions, follow these steps:

1. Research relevant keywords.

2. Create your caption: Write your caption as you normally would, making sure to provide value to your audience and be engaging.

3. Add your keywords: Once you have your caption written, add your keywords to the caption. You can include them naturally throughout the caption, or you can add them at the end of your caption with a few line breaks to make them less obtrusive. (See below to side step this common Instagram SEO mistake). 

4. Use hashtags: In addition to adding keywords to your captions, make sure to use relevant hashtags that contain your keywords. This will help your post get discovered by people who are searching for those keywords.

Avoid This Common Instagram SEO Caption Mistake

Word to the wise: Just don’t overdo it with keywords. "Keyword stuffing" refers to the practice of loading a webpage with keywords in an attempt to manipulate a site's ranking in Google search results. But same concept applies to the Gram.

A dead giveaway that a post is stuffed with keywords is that it reads really weird.

SEO is a great tool but always write for humans first. 

3. Alt Text

Quick overview of alt text: Alt text is like describing a picture in words so that someone who can't see the picture can still understand what it is.

Alt text helps people with disabilities understand what's in a picture. So first and foremost, it's important to use alt text so everyone can enjoy the content, even if they can't see it. Second, it’s great for SEO.

Instagram will automatically populate Alt Text options for your photos if you skip this step.

So it's better to do it yourself to ensure the caption matches what's actually in the photo.

How To Use Alt Text On Instagram

Here are some tips on how to use alt text to increase reach on Instagram:

1. Use relevant keywords: Use keywords that are relevant to your post and your brand. Again, this will help your post show up in search results for those keywords.

2. Be descriptive: Describe the content of your post in detail, so that people can understand what it is about even if they can’t see the image.

3. Keep it short: Keep your alt text short and to the point. Instagram allows up to 100 characters for alt text, so make sure you use them wisely.

4. Don't use hashtags: Hashtags don't work in alt text, so don't waste your characters by adding them in.

How To Add Alt Text To Instagram Posts

  • On a new post, tap on the Advanced Settings option on the upload screen. Then tap on the “Write Alt Text” section to access the screen to add your text.

  • To add alt text to old Instagram posts, you need to select each post and manually edit it. To edit the post, tap on the three-dot button in the top-right corner of the post.You don’t need to rehash your entire caption in the Alt Text section.  

By optimizing your alt text, you can improve the accessibility of your posts and increase their visibility in search results, leading to more reach and engagement on Instagram.

Happy Creating! 

Cyndi, Owner of Ascent StoryCraft

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Cyndi Zaweski

Hey! I’m Cyndi, the owner of Ascent StoryCraft. I’m all about helping you create content your audience cares about. Looking for insight on what to say — and how to say it — online to get clients calling? Drop me a line.


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