PersonaL Brand storytelling

Tell The Stories
That Make Your Audience Choose You.

Hi! I’m cyndi

Award-Winning Journalist, Storyteller & Content Strategist.

I have a hunch you landed here because you have the raw ingredients: A chef’s kiss skill set, real-world know-how, and a calling to help others.

Whether you found me through a Google search bar or the Instagram Explorer page, I’m happy to report: The algorithms got it right this time!

Marketing doesn’t have to feel like a content hamster wheel going, going, going nowhere. It can should be the connection point between what you love and who you serve.

The StoryCraft Framework is the recipe that ties all the aspects of your passion and expertise into a cohesive founder-led brand, using your story as the throughline, so you can become well-known for your big ideas and big heart.

Your Story can Should Do More Than Answer “Why Did You Start Your Business?”

If you’re not satisfied with “niching down” or can’t nail down your “client avatar,” a storytelling marketing strategy is the sustainable way to carve your own lane sans old-school marketing tactics never designed for founder-led brands in the first place.

With the StoryCraft Framework, you'll know how to:

  • Be an inspiration: Telling stories isn’t about oversharing. It’s about attracting the right people, using your story to lead by example. 

  • Attract the green flag clients: Use your values, beliefs, and vision to create brand messaging and storytelling content that represents who you are, what you stand for, and why people should line up to work with you.

  • Become the leader your industry needs: Your insights are the best-kept secret. At least, they used to be… 

Break free from the

marketing machine

You have the raw ingredients.

storycraft is the recipe

1 Brand Identity

Your experience, perspective, and ideals for the future are what separate you from the rest. We’ll unify what you love and who you serve into a brand identity that gives people a reason to follow along.

2 community creation

Standing out is overrated - communities are built on commonalities. Every founder has compelling stories inspired by relatable, shared experiences. Here you’ll learn to tell them well.

3 Thought Leadership

People trust people who concisely turn information into mind-blown moments. This is the insight development portion of the process, where we take the million dollar knowledge bank out of your head and into content that grows your reputation as an industry leader.

4 Storytelling content

Translating lofty brand messages into everyday content is where every founder gets stuck — self included! It took years to learn how to infuse my big ideas — and big heart — into viral content. I’ll teach you how to create storytelling content without burning out. 

Tell Better Stories

My writing explores the intersection of business growth and personal growth to inspire your most insightful storytelling content ideas.

Tell Stories That Convert & Inspire

Short-Form Storytelling For Newsletters & Social Media

Your audience doesn’t just want content—they want connection. Find and share stories that makes your audience lean in, nod along, and take action.