Social Media Post Ideas For January [2024]

Searching For What To Post On Social Media In The New Year? Swipe These Instagram Post Ideas For January.

Searching For What To Post On Social Media In The New Year? Swipe These Instagram Post Ideas For January.

January brings a unique blend of anticipation and pressure.

The life-changing resolutions, the perfectly put 'word of the year', and forecasting business projections can be overwhelming. Let's simplify one crucial aspect: January marketing ideas.

In this post, you'll find more than 20 engaging social media post ideas specifically curated for January 2024. By planning ahead, you can ensure your marketing content is not just prepared but captivating, leaving you more time for rest and relaxation as we gear up to welcome 2024.

Dive in and start ticking off those boxes on your marketing checklist.

Engaging  Social Media Ideas For January 2024.png

Unique January Marketing Ideas

Instagram loves original posts almost as much as your audience does. January is brimming with social media holidays that give us an excellent opportunity to think outside the box. Select the content prompts that align most seamlessly with your small business or brand, then infuse them with your personality create captivating posts.

This list of January Social Media Ideas includes:

  • January observance days

  • Month-long celebrations in January

  • Fill-in-the-blank post prompts & ideas

Motivation and Inspiration Day post inspiration

Motivation and Inspiration Day


  • Unpack a Power Phrase: Choose a motivational quote or phrase that's popular in your industry go deeper into its meaning.

    • For Example: Infuse a story that illustrates 'Think Outside the Box' or 'Failure is the Stepping Stone to Success.' Connect it to a relatable sitch in your field.

  • Behind the Scenes of Success: Share stories of challenges overcome and goals achieved, providing a behind-the-scenes look at what motivation and inspiration really look like in your industry.

  • Share a Client Win: Highlight a recent success story from one of your clients. Explain how your product or service played a role in this achievement. This not only celebrates your client's success but also demonstrates the tangible impact of your biz in real-world scenarios.

World Hypnotism Day POST IDEAS

World Hypnotism Day


  • Demystifying Overhyped Industry Advice: Create a series of posts that tackle common but overhyped pieces of advice in your industry. Break down these pieces of advice, explain why they are overrated, and offer more grounded, practical alternatives.

  • Hypnotism as a Metaphor: Use hypnotism as a metaphor to discuss how easy it is to get 'hypnotized' by trendy but ineffective industry practices. Encourage critical thinking and a more evidence-based approach in adopting industry trends.

  • Tips for Critical Thinking: Offer tips on how to evaluate industry advice, distinguishing between what's a passing fad and what has genuine merit.

National Trivia Day

National Trivia Day


  • Industry Trivia Challenge: Create a fun and engaging trivia quiz related to your industry. This could include historical facts, notable achievements, or even common misconceptions. Share it on your social media and encourage your audience to participate. This not only entertains but also educates your audience about your industry in a light-hearted way.

  • Did You Know?: Use this hook to share surprising or little-known facts about your products or services. This could be about the origin of a product, an unusual use case, or an interesting piece of feedback from a client. It's a great way to engage your audience and provide them with insightful tidbits about your business. See my reel on 10,000 steps for how to incorporate a fun fact into your social media plan.

Make Your Dreams Come True Day

Make Your Dreams Come True Day


  • Dreams to Reality Stories: Share inspiring stories of how your business or your clients have turned their dreams into reality. This could be the story of starting the business, launching a breakthrough product, or helping a client achieve a long-sought-after goal. These narratives can be powerful motivators and resonate deeply with your audience.

  • Vision Board Stories: Use the “add yours” stick to host a virtual vision board game. Ask your followers to reflect their professional or personal aspirations for the year. You can use this not only to engage your audience, but for market research and future sales copywriting.

  • Goal-Setting Tips and Tricks: Offer practical advice on setting and achieving goals. This could include strategies for breaking down large dreams into manageable steps, tools for tracking progress, or methods for staying motivated.

Get to Know Your Customer Day


  • Customer Spotlight Interviews: Feature a series of short interviews or spotlights with some of your customers. Ask them about their experiences with your product or service, their business or personal goals, and how your company has played a role in their journey. This not only shows appreciation for your customers but also provides real-life testimonials for your audience.

  • Interactive Q&A Session: Host a live Q&A session on social media where you invite customers to ask questions about your products, services, or industry trends. This direct interaction can provide valuable insights into your customer's needs and preferences, while also strengthening your community engagement.

  • Customer Feedback Survey: Not a content idea, but still a good annual January marketing idea: Share a survey seeking feedback on your products or services. Offer an incentive for completing the survey, like a discount on their next purchase or a chance to win a small prize. This shows you value their opinion and are committed to improving their experience.

  • 'A Day in the Life of Our Customer' Feature: Create a post or a series of posts that depict a typical day in the life of your customers, showcasing how your products or services fit into their daily routine. This can help potential customers visualize the practical benefits of what you offer.

January Is Hot Tea Month

  • Spill the Tea on DIY Mistakes: "Spill the tea on the top mistakes people make when DIYing [your product/service]." Use this prompt to address common errors or misconceptions in your industry. It's a fun way to present educational content, helping your audience avoid these pitfalls while subtly highlighting the value of your professional expertise.

  • Expectations vs. Reality: Create a series of posts that juxtapose what people commonly expect when attempting [a task related to your service/product] versus the reality of those experiences. This can be an engaging way to set realistic expectations and demonstrate how your product/service can bridge that gap.

  • Tea-Themed Storytelling: Craft a narrative or a metaphor relating to making or enjoying tea that parallels a journey in your industry. For example, compare the patience and attention needed to brew the perfect cup of tea to the meticulous approach required in [your area].

  • Customer Success ‘Tea’ Tales: Share stories of your customers' successes as if you're sharing an intriguing tea tale. Each story can reveal a problem solved or a goal achieved with your help, presented in an engaging, story-like format.

January Is Mentorship Month

January Is Mentorship Month

  • Best Lesson from a Mentor: Share the best lesson you learned from a mentor. Use this prompt to tell a story about a pivotal piece of advice or a critical lesson you received from a mentor. Encourage your audience to share their own experiences and lessons in the comments, creating an engaging community discussion.

  • Showcase Your Mentoring/Coaching Program: If your business offers a mentoring or coaching program, use this opportunity to detail its benefits, success stories, and how interested parties can get involved. Use testimonials or case studies to illustrate the program's impact.

  • Advice for Newcomers: No program? No problem.

    Share advice for newcomers to your industry. Offer valuable insights and advice for those just starting in your field. This could be in the form of a blog post, a video series, or even an interactive webinar.

January Marketing Content Calendar

And that's your sneak peek of fresh content ideas for January.

Get the entire month’s worth of unique marketing ideas delivered to your inbox by signing up for the Content Crafters Membership.

Cyndi Zaweski

Hey! I’m Cyndi, the owner of Ascent StoryCraft. I’m all about helping you create content your audience cares about. Looking for insight on what to say — and how to say it — online to get clients calling? Drop me a line.

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